Sunday, November 07, 2010

The Absent State

My book, "The Absent State" (with Neelesh Misra) is out in book stores now. Hachette India has called it the non-fiction book of the year. It has already topped the non-fiction list of The Hindu.
Here are some reviews of the book:

Filmmaker Sudhir Mishra in the Hindustan Times
Ved Marwah in Tehelka
Nithin Belle in Khaleej Times
Shylashri Shankar in The Financial Express

You can buy the book online from here.


मनीषा पांडे said...

Congratulations Rahul. I will surely buy a copy.

kunalsingh said...

I must say that it is a bit too expensive. Thought I might buy it, but it is not in reach of common public.

PS: I did not mean that it is not worth the price. But, when you do some much hard work and get to publish the stuff, it will be good if more and more people can read it.

Mirage said...

almost halfway through the book....already waking up to the bitter reality of how most of our brotheren are barely surviving with megre resourses. Already guilty of living a relatively luxurious and cooconed life.Till their is dysparity there will be exploitation. Someday I wish be part of the change that I so desperately want to be changed...a society where every human being lives with basic diginity and respect .A society withoout expoitation...manuplation or vitimisation of the weak.Where a man with no name can still exist peacefully !!

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