Sunday, May 01, 2011


Long time ago I used to know this woman who was much older than me. We met at a bar one cold winter night where we sat at different tables, both of us alone, and both of us nursing the same brand of whisky. The waiter who served us both knew me well since I was a regular. At one point, and I think I was on my third drink, my glass and that of the woman emptied about the same time and we asked for a refill. She noticed that I was also having the same whisky, and I looked at her, and a smile passed between us. We got talking.

On that lonely night we opened up to each other, and we talked about many things. I remember most of what we shared, but there is one thing that I remember the most. As we left we held each other in a light embrace. The woman flicked the ash off her cigarette.

Before she turned, she looked at me, and she said: “I am so tired of being an emotional anchor.”

It has been many years. I have lost touch with that woman. The bar where we met has been turned into a convenient store. And now I am tired. Not out of being an emotional anchor – that I cannot be, I suppose. I am tired of many things.

At one point in “Alice in Wonderland,” Mad Hatter tells Alice: “You used to be much muchier. You have lost your muchiness.”

I think I am tired of the absence of that muchiness in life.


Dead Man Walking said...
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Karan said...

The muchiness shall return, brother. Besides, when it returns, won't you tire of it sooner than its absence.

हमारीवाणी said...

क्या आप हमारीवाणी के सदस्य हैं? हमारीवाणी भारतीय ब्लॉग्स का संकलक है.

अधिक जानकारी के लिए पढ़ें:
हमारीवाणी पर ब्लॉग पंजीकृत करने की विधि

हमारीवाणी पर ब्लॉग प्रकाशित करने के लिए क्लिक कोड लगाएँ

Nikhil Srivastava said...

lovey story sir.

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Poonam Misra said...

I can understand how it feels without the muchiness in life.... its just so many things minus the one thing .....
Good Narration .

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Mirage said...
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