Friday, April 16, 2010

Everything ends with Formalin

The police arrived and went straight to Bajirao Potawe’s house and beat him up. “With their boots and lathis,” he says. “They said bad things to my mother and sister, called me a bastard, and said how dare my family accuse them of rape,” he recounts. Then they made him run errands like fetching water to cook a meal of dal and rice they had brought along. Potawe himself hasn’t been able to eat such meals for a long time.
Post-Dantewada impressions from Gadchiroli. Read here.


Nikhil Srivastava said...

'Everything ends with Formalin'...I could feel his fear and pain though your words. But PC won't understand this while sitting in his AC Home Ministry. उन्हें तो ये भी नहीं पता होगा कि मच्छर होते कैसे हैं.

सुना है दंतेवाडा में कल रात चली थी गोली, लगता है कुछ ख्वाबों का फिर से खून बहा है..

Anonymous said...

it's been 3 months since u wrote ur last piece. haven't you been thinking?????

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